Friday, August 31, 2007


Have you ever walked by someone and they were so familiar to you, but you couldn't figure out why or place them somewhere in your life? This happened to me last night. I still cannot figure it out. I was at a church function last night and we were all wandering in the halls having refreshments and gathering our groups together and I walked by this guy and I knew his face. He kind of glanced at me at the same time. I kept going. A few minutes later we walked by each other again and he stopped me and said something like, "I know you, but I'm not sure how." I said, "I was thinking the same thing!" We stood there for several minutes trying to figure out the connection, but alas, it was fruitless. We just seemed so familiar to each other, it was weird. We did not grow up anywhere near each other, he's 5 years older than I am, and the only similarity seems to be some time in UT, but we couldn't figure out what. How frustrating is that?! I asked my husband if he had any idea--nope. I called my parents. Again, no help at all. So, it's driving me crazy! Will I ever figure out why I know this guy?

Has this ever happened to anyone else?


Laura said...

I know what you mean! I think the world is so small- especially in the church!! You never know who was in some of your classes in college or your ward -that you saw daily - but just can't remember!

Michelle said...

I've had that happen to me and it IS very frustrating. You just can't place where you know them from.