Thursday, March 6, 2008

Snow Day!

Today we had snow! It was crazy and fun! I am so ready for spring, but it was really fun to watch it snow. The kids had a great time playing outside--except for Brandon, who prefered to be inside drinking hot cocoa (he's just like me). Carli was fascinated with it, but not so hot about being out in it. She came in after a few minutes. It was so beatuiful!


Rochelleht said...

Oh, your pictures are amazing.

Thayne Johnson said...

Crazy you go that snow! Does Kate have replacement teeth? hahaha, it seems like she's had those gaps forever!

Megan said...

Your pictures look great. Your kids look like they are having a blast! I love the pink coat.

Monson Family said...

WHAT!?! Snow!!! That is crazy! Love the berry picture! That is awesome! It looks they they had so much fun playing in it though! FUN!

Lyndsee Bates said...

WOW!!! I am so jelous! I miss snow, too bad it didn't come down to Austin area!! Looks like you guys had fun!!!

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

Those are your best pictures yet!!! LOVE EM!!!