I've been reminiscing about my family lately. Since we don't get to be with them often I like to look back at pictures and remember times we have gotten to spend together. I also like to look forward to when I get to see them again! I have to say that I have been very, very blessed with an amazing family to be on earth with. I don't really know if this is the kind of place to share this, but in my patriarchal blessing I was told that I chose my family. I must say, I chose the best. :)
My parents have been married for 31 years. That's pretty darn great. :)
They built a very solid foundation for the 5 of us kids to grow up with. Not one of us has strayed from that path. Very impressive, I'd say. Family was always important. They always allowed us to participate in the activities we wanted to be in (which now that I have 4 kids I am amazed at since it is just insane!) and we continued with what we loved and excelled at and we stopped the things that weren't so interesting anymore (such as me quitting piano lessons after 8 years to pursue choir, gymnastics, and dance). They encouraged us, loved us, and provided everything we needed. Even though we live apart, we are so strong as a family. We love when we can spend time together and we always enjoy it. We don't have any huge family dramas. I'm very grateful for that! :)
I have 3 younger brothers and a younger sister. While I don't remember being great friends with them growing up I do know that they all mean the world to me now. We have definitely gotten closer as we have gotten older. It's so neat to watch them all grow up, some have gotten married, some still working on it. :) I even have a nephew! It's too bad that my kids won't be so close in age to their cousins, but I hope they will love them just the same!
Thayne, Kailee, and their son, Harper (just turned 1!). Thayne is in market research (taking after Dad) and a great dad. Kailee works at a hospital as a surgical tech (right?) and is the best mom for Harper! He's a little doll and I can't wait to see him this summer. Kailee was a great addition to our family as my first sister-in-law! She's awesome and so much fun to be around.

Spencer and Missy. They are finishing up their BYU careers and are very adventurous so they are trying to find really cool things to do before they start a family (like go to China to teach English!). They are such a fun couple and we are very blessed to have Missy in our family!
Me and my sister, Charisse. She is definitely the brainiest of the family, which is a very good thing. She's a musical wiz as a wonderful pianist and even taught herself how to play the cello. She is an English major at BYU and speaks French and Gaelic.
My youngest brother, Brett, on the left. Spencer is in the middle, Thayne on the right. Brett is graduating from high school this year! Wow, he's growing up! He is going to receive his Eagle soon, he is a jock to be sure and is awesome at basketball and soccer.
I am so grateful to have parents and siblings who are all strong in the gospel. We are certainly not perfect, but I think we're about as close as you get in this life. I love all of you guys!
Of course, my own family is dear to my heart. Ben is certainly the one I want to spend eternity with and my kids are the best ever. We have been told that the strongest spirits have been saved for these last days and let me tell ya--I've got 4 of them! They are very strong-willed and free spririted, but they are also so smart and talented and so loving!
More to come...I have awesome inlaws as well! Am I blessed or what?! ;)