Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Wow, another year is beginning and another has flown by again. We had a pretty good 2007, but I must say it feels good to sort of "start over" with a new year. This year I don't want to make a list of resolutions, per say, but I would like to work on a few things.

1. Be in better shape--I want to exercise! I have never done that on a regular basis since high school when I was in gymnastics and dance. Since then I have been carrying around and running after kiddos all the time. Who has time to sit and eat? :) I DO eat--quite a bit, actually.

However, that's another thing I want to work on this year

2. Eat healthier and plan meals--I want to make monthly meal plans and shopping lists so I am organized and prepared. My life is such chaos that having a little (actually HUGE) thing like meals planned out would help tremendously. I have done it for a few weeks on and off in the past and it has been a great help to me, but I have not been consistent about it. That's what I will work on this year.

3. Not be afraid to talk to people about my business. It's never going to get anywhere if I don't get to work. It will be a huge finincial relief to have extra money every month!

4. Be more spiritual--plan FHE better (we do it often, but not very well), read scriptures, and read the RS lessons before going to church on Sunday.

5. Spend more time with my family and friends. :)

6. Expand my photography knowledge.

Happy New Year everyone! I pray that 2008 brings joy to everyone's hearts.


Megan said...

Those sound like great goals. Good Luck. What is your business?

Kari said...

I'm with you on most of your goals too (all but the Mary Kay one, LOL, since I don't have a business!). Good luck to you on accomplishing all that you would like!

Katrina said...

I have alot of goals, too. I think I need to write them down. Hmm, another goal to help me accomplish all my goals! ;)