Ben got up and made a yummy breakfast for us before church. He gave me a great under-the-counter CD/radio for the kitchen and I am loving it! Instead of the TV blasting I have had the music blasting and it has been a nice change. The kids are liking it, too. The card he chose was so sweet and beautiful. he's very good at choosing cards that say things that really get to me. And, of course, there was the bag of chocolates and the red and white roses. He did a great job this year. He even made dinner--all by himself! Thank you, hon, for all your hard work! I love you!
The kids gave me the sweetest gifts and they are truly treasures! Brandon made me 2 Hershey kiss roses and a beautiful card at scouts last week. I loved them! Kate drew me 2 wonderful pictures and so did Megan. Carli gave me lots of hugs and snuggle time. :) What sweet kids I have.
I'm your little flower, Mom
Please help me grow and bloom:
Take the weeds, but leave the roots
And give me lots of room.
Mom, you are my gardener,
My sunshine and my rain.
Too much will make me wither
With enough, I'll bloom again.
I am your little flower, Mom.
I'm different from the rest.
Don't pick me, Mom, just help me grow
To be my very best.
I felt very loved yesterday and I spent the day thinking of how much I love the mothers in my life. My mom is definitely the best I could have gotten. I love her so much and learned from her example. I still do. She is always there for me and is so supportive and helpful. My mother-in-law, Sandy, is the best mil I could ask for. She is really awesome. She, just like my mom, is always there to be supportive and loving. I still have 2 grandmothers living as well and they are 2 more amazing women who I look up to and admire. All of my "mothers" are such treasures in my life. I'm so grateful as well to all the awesome friends I have who teach me constantly how to be a better person. :)
ooh very sweet!! Happy Mother's Day!
Glad your family was so sweet to you on Mother's day!
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