After our week at Snowbird we headed south to spend time with my parents in Cedar City. I love that town. :) We had a nice relaxing week there. We took the kids down to a fun pool in Washington (just north of St. George) and everyone had a really great time. We have made it a yearly activity and the kids just love it.
Here's my handsome man, Brandon, taking a break

Kate and Carli in the whirlpool area that went outside the building. The rest of the splash park and pool were under a roof so it was really nice not being in the sun the entire time.

Megan and Kate cheesing it up for the camera.

Carli didn't start out very well, though. She just sat and cried...not sure why

But then she got into it and had a blast!

She really did have fun!

It was Brooke's first pool experience! She seemed to enjoy the water. She really loves it now that we've been to our pool several times.

Cutest little grin ever!

Daddy and Brooke

She wasn't too sure about the baby swings

Me and Brooke
Brooke taking a break with Grandma

Daddy's turn

My boys and their goggles

By the end they were tuckered out! This is Carli we found huddled under her towel.

Brooke was out as well.
What a totally fun place and we can't wait to go again next time we are there!