My sweet baby is now 3 years old! Wow, I can hardly believe it was 3 years ago she suprisingly arrived 4 1/2 weeks early and was this teeny, perfect, beautiful little baby girl. What a sweetheart she is. She brings so much joy and happiness into our family.
We had a fun day today! She woke up and yelled from the top of the stairs, "It's my bir-day!" She was so excited. :) What fun it is when they realize that it is their special day and they are so happy. She requested donuts for breakfast.

She wanted to go to McD's with her friends for lunch, so we invited some of her little friends to come have lunch with us, play, and have cupcakes. It was totally fun and the moms got some fun time, too (we love to just get together and chat!).

My cousin, Stephanie, came with her little baby, Eliza. Isn't she just the most adorable little thing! We're glad you guys could be there!

Steph took a picture with me in it to prove that I was there. :) It's nice to be in front of the camera once in a while. lol
Carli enjoyed opening all the fun gifts her friends brought.
Our attempt at getting a group shot.
Another attempt. I have about 12 pictures very similar to this. Ha!
Hanging out at home under her blanket watching PBS Kids and just vegging after the party.

We were all out and about tonight so we didn't do a family party, but that will come and will post pics in the next couple days! Mom gave that adorable polka-dot dress and leg warmers for Carli and it was the perfect birthday dress for the day. She loves it!