Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Glasses!

Last week I finally took Kate into the eye doctor after her complaining on and off for the past few months about not being able to see well. It was a good thing I did! The dr. told us that basically her right eye is not trying very hard anymore and her left eye has taken over. She is not seeing well at all and I don't think we realized (she didn't, either) how bad it was. It's not horrible or anything, but on the way home from picking up her glasses tonight she was reading everything she could see like she had never noticed the big signs on the stores before. :) Cute! Here's our little 4-eyes:
And here's a funny one of Carli from last week that I'm posting here because it's too cute! Hee! Hee!


Lyndsee Bates said...

She looks so big!!! Carli is one silly girl. Averee seems to like that same pose! Something in the blood/water!!

Kari said...

I always wanted glasses when I was young, my sister had them and that made me want them more. Cute kids!!

Erin Fonnesbeck said...

Love the glasses! She looks so cute!! Mason has them too and can't see a thing unless he has them. Hope you got some kind of warranty though because Mason's broke in half a few weeks ago and we still haven't gotten them back yet. But since we got the warranty, the dr. made him a pair the exact day they broke. Thank goodness!

Colleen said...

Her glasses look great! Make her look so much older.
But let me say. I love those chirp pants. What a riot!

Rochelleht said...

I remember getting glasses for the first time and seeing all the leaves on the trees. It was amazing how much of the world I hadn't seen before.

Liz said...

Aww- cute glasses! With her little toothless smile, that is one adorable girl!

Ok, that pose of Carli had me cracking up! Too cute!