I have yet to blog about Halloween and many happenings from 2010, but I'm going to start here, after Christmas, with the snow we got while we were in Cedar City at my parents' house. It was not a white Christmas, but that was perfectly fine. A few days later we got the snowstorm we were waiting for!!! The kids were thrilled! Brooke loved playing in her first big snow. Here she is in my favorite little coat of hers. :)

Here are her monkey mittens she got for Christmas. Aren't they darling? However, the dog loved them, too, and every time she walked out the door Lovie would come steal one off her hand and run off!

Hence, this picture with the older girls dragging Lovie off to the "cage" at the back of the yard (just a fenced in area where she can still run around, but is out of reach of the kids. Now the mittens are safe!

Megan thought it would be fun to throw snow in the air. She had a good time doing this and did it over and over again. Makes for a cool picture!

She has her hand full of snow ready to throw...ready, set,


Kate and her snow--I think it was supposed to be a shape, but I can't remember what (a dog, maybe?)

Happy Kate!

Brooke, Kate, cousin Shelby, Megan

Brooke--I think she was getting cold!

Kate throwing her snow--you can see Brooke starting to do this, too--"monkey see, monkey do"
Closer up of Brooke throwing the snow. Enjoying it you think?

Eh, not so much!

Stay tuned for more about our Christmas vacation!