In August we were so thrilled to have my mom come visit us for a week. We love when Grandma comes! We did lots of fun things while she was here. With it being summer we tried to find activities to keep busy with the kids. We swam, played with playdough, painted, made banana muffins, went to a movie, and just hung out. We love you, Grandma!
Grandma with Brooke
The kids were having a blast playing with sandwich bags in the water.
Grandma brought a cute little tea set for the kids to paint. They loved this! They are all such creative kids and were very intent on getting their pieces just right. :) Here's Carli rinsing her brush.
Brandon's tea cup is blue, of course.
Megan went for stripes on the sugar bowl.
Kate went for stripes as well. :)
Carli concentrating very hard.
The girls loved playing with the playdough. It's not something I volunteer for them very often. I know, bad mom, :) but the mess!
What a cutie! love the freckles!
Here's Kate with her absolutely adorable creation!
It's a girl sitting in a bean bag chair playing Xbox. Funny...
I love the look of wonder on brooke's face in this shot.
This look is hilarious! lol!
Brooke loves to try drinking from sippy cups. Here's Carli helping her out holding the cup for her.