A couple weeks ago I pulled the kids out of school, Ben too days off of work and we took off in the van to Utah for my sister's wedding. I am so glad we went. My entire immediate family was able to be there (even my brother and sister-in-law in Puerto Rico). It was a very special and crazy weekend.
We got there a couple days early and were able to help in the yard and in the house to get everything ready for all the parties that were going to happen at my parents' house. Everything looked beautiful! They have an amazing yard and it was the perfect setting for the luncheon and reception--it was a little windy, but still perfect. :)
Friday night we had a fun bridal shower for Charisse and she got some really need gifts for the kitchen and recipes. Then Saturday morning we got up and ready early and headed down to St. George to the temple. We dropped the kids off at my Grandma's house and my youngest brother, Brett stayed with them while Ben and I were at the sealing.
The sealing was a sweet time. For as long as I can remember my Grandpa Johnson sealed all of his grandchildren in the temple. Then came the sad day 3 years ago, when he was called home to Heavenly Father. This was an especially difficult thing for my sister to endure because she knew that he would not be able to seal her to her husband in the temple when the time came and they were very close. She wrote him a very beautiful and personal poem that was included on the back of the program at his funeral services. Here it is:
I'm inviting you, dear Grandpa, to my wedding.
I know that it is still a good way off--
I haven't place nor date now even groom for certain yet,
and when I do I shall not know
the address where to have the card be sent,
nor how much postage for safe delivery.
So I thought I'd say "please come" while you're nearby,
and later I shan't have to wish I could.
I do know though, dear Grandpa, it will be
performed within a temple, so I hope
(since it won't be far from your new home or your new place of work)
you might spare but a moment, please, to come and see.
In all my plans I'd thought it would be you,
who then in white would join us hopeful too,
and you'd say to him you hoped he knew
he was getting the best girl in the world.
I hope, dear Grandpa, that they'll let me
save a seat for you--but if they won't,
please know there's still a place down here for you,
a certain space in all our hearts for you,
dear Grandpa.
All my love, Charisse
The sealer at my sister's wedding knew my grandfather and taught with him at Southern Utah university and has known our family for many years. He is a special man and he made the sealing very sweet by including our grandfather in it. He read this poem at the beginning of the ceremony and I have to say my tears were very plenty (as they are now as I am writing this). They did save a seat for him, next to my Grandma, and we all knew he was there for Charisse on that special day. What a blessing the gospel is in our lives to have the knowledge of the plan of salvation and that families are forever!

This is a picture of us in the St. George Temple visitor's center. We have a picture of us in front of this Christus in every stage of our marriage. We got engaged here and have pics, too, and then we have pics of us with each additional child. This one is sort of cheating since they are techinically "all" there, but one is just not born yet. :)
We had a lovely time taking pictures of the happy couple outside the ceremony. It was still quite warm in St. George so we
didn't hang out all that long, but we did get some good shots. Then we headed back up to Cedar City to prepare for the luncheon and reception.

The reception and luncheon went on and were very successful and fun! The food was just awesome and everything looked beautiful.
My 3 brothers (in the red and blue shirts), sil Kailee (yellow), cousin Taylor (lt. yellow), and other sil, Missy's sister, Stephanie.
The cooks: my Dad and Uncle Bryan. The salmon and steak were superb!
Charisse and Cory on the far right hanging out with their friends at the luncheon.
Megan and cousin, Addy, enjoying the yummy food.
Here are some shots from the reception:
left to right: Cory's 2 sisters, me, Charisse, sister's-in-law Missy and Kailee

The dessert bar was just scrumptious as well as beautiful!

Charisse and Cory met in a dance class. They had fun dancing the night away at the reception.
Cory and his brother, Eric. They were quite a hoot!
They are the funniest couple. :) This picture was Cory's request. They were just missing the overalls and pitchfork. LOL!
My mom and Charisse.

I was a wonderful weekend and I am so glad we all went for the special occasion. I think it is so important to be together as families for these important times. My youngest brother will be leaving on his mission in a few months and our family will not all be together for a couple years so it was very neat that we were all there. I have to say that I have the coolest family and love each and every one of them. (more photos on my photo blog)