Thursday, November 29, 2007

Marriage Questionnaire

Stolen from Shayla who stole it from someone else...

How long have you been married? 10 years

How long did you date for? 5 weeks before we got engaged and then married 4 months later.

How old are you? 30

Who eats more? Hmmm. Probably he does, but I can pack it away, too. Give me chocolate or potatoes and I'm a happy woman. :)

Who said I love you first? He did.

Who is taller? He is.

Who sings better? This is a very cool thing about our marriage--we sing together.

Who is smarter? I would say he is.

Who has a worse temper? Probably hubby, but I'm not saying I don't lose mine a little too often.

Who does the laundry and the dishes? Usually I do unless we are completely out of whites and I haven't paid attention so he throws in a load late at night so he has them for morning.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are standing looking at the bed he does. If you are laying in bed, I do.

Who pays the bills? Gotta quote Shayla who quoted Denise, "I pay them, with his money."

Who mows the lawn? Ben does. I think maybe i have a few times in my life, but not since we've been married.

Who cooks dinner? Me. Always me. If Ben is "cooking" it's something frozen or Papa Murphy's pizza or McD's. Actually he's a pretty good cook when he does it (he is great at the grill and he makes a super yummy chicken cordon bleu--he just doesn't like to cook much).

Who drives when you are together? He always does.

Who is more stubborn? I have to say definitely him. Love ya, hon. ;)

Who is the first to admit they are wrong? He is. (I think most of these answers have been him!)

Whose parents do you see more? We don't live near either set of parents so I would say it's pretty even. Maybe we see my parents a little more often.

Who proposed? He did.

Who is more sensitive? Definitely I am. There's no question about that one, eh hon?

Who has more friends? I don't know.

Who has more siblings? I am oldest of 5, he's oldest of 3.

Who wears the pants in the family? (This is totally Shayla's answer, but she's such a great writer I have to "borrow" this one.) We share :) It's more fun that way. They are surprisingly roomy. But I also like that thought, "Do you want to speak to the man in charge, or the woman who knows what's going on?"


Megan said...

Very fun to read. I love blogging and learning more about people and their families!

Katrina said...

I love these kind of questionairres! Funnily enough, as emails I found them annoying, but they're perfect for blogging world!

Kari said...

Well, you don't look like you can down the chocolate and potatoes!! :)

Lyndsee Bates said...

That is really cute! I love the man in charge or the woman that knows saying very cute!